Homeland: Gangan
Clan: Dhalwaŋu
Moiety: Yirritja

Lhosa is the daughter of Winimbu Gumana and Banygul#2 Dhammarrandji. She is married to Gunybi Ganambarr and has three children. She is the teacher at Gangan Homeland. Gunybi is one of Australia’s best known Indigenous artists and Lhosa is a major assistant in the creation of his work.

Whilst Gunybi has been acknowledged as one of Australia’s leading artists specialising in the use of Found recycled materials Lamaŋgirra’s skill and purpose as an independent artist has always been present.

Over time she has developed a distinctive style of rendering her Yirritja moiety Dhalwaŋu clan fresh and salt water areas. Her elegance and creativity in finding fresh perspectives on these designs marks her as an artist of significance in her own right.