Homeland: Waṉḏawuy
Clan: Djapu
Moiety: Dhuwa

Yanipuy was born at Wandawuy and has spent most of her life living there. 2010: Yanipuy works as a Laynhapuy ranger. There are 17 Laynhapuy Rangers who live in 7 different homelands. Their main office is currently in Yirrkala, NT but they are hoping for an office to be based at Yilpara, one of the homelands where many of the rangers live near. The rangers have identified the marine debris on their coastline as an important issue and have shown strong interest in cleaning up their country. The marine debris generally washes ashore during the dry season when the wind is coming from the south east. A coastal survey was conducted of Laynha’s coastline which showed nets along the beaches and within the protected bays. The coastline is a mixture of sandy beaches and mangroves, but sandy beaches dominate. The tidal range is around 2 metres and many areas are not accessible by vehicle.